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What is your preferred name?
Today's Date

How can we help?

Check your most important needs below:
What is your most urgent need? Check all that apply.
(check all that apply)

I am currently receiving the following services and supports:

Services and supports I'm currently receiving:
(check all that apply)
Public Assistance (services and supports)
I am currently receiving the following types of public assistance
(check all that apply)
A few questions about you…
Is there someone who doesn’t live with you we can contact if we can’t reach you?

If yes, please list the person’s:

What is your gender?
What is your race/ethnicity?
(check all that apply)
Are you part of a federally recognized tribe?
Do you or your children QUALIFY for Medicaid, Title XX, and/or free and reduced lunch, even if you don’t receive any of them?
Do you have a disability?
Do you have enough people to count on when you need someone to give you good advice?
If yes, how many?

As of today’s date are you between the ages of 14 and 25 (have not yet had your 26th birthday)?

ONLY if you are between the ages of 14 and 25 (answered “yes” to above), have you experienced any of the following?

Are you currently pregnant or expecting a child (mother or father)?
Are you currently a parent or caring for a child (for example, foster parent, grandparent, aunt)

if you are currently a parent or caring for a child (answered “yes” to above) please also complete the next section.

A few questions about your children…

If you do not currently have any children, you do not need to complete this section

Number of children in household under 18 (enter 0 if no children live with you)
Number of adults 18+ in the home
Do any of your children have a disability?
If yes, how many?

CR/CYI Participant Information Survey


INSTRUCTIONS: All parts of the Participant Information Survey should be completed at the start of participation in Community Response or the Connected Youth Initiative. The form may be completed with the assistance of a Central Navigator or other service provider, if needed.

First Name *
Last Name *
For each of the following, mark the response that most closely matches how you feel
Social Connections
I have people I trust to ask for advice about (check all that apply).
Concrete Supports

Authorization to Share Your Information (Consent)

The following information is collected as part of the CR/CYI EVALUATION

  • You and/or your child(ren)’s basic information
  • Demographic Information
  • Current Services & Supports

The following items as applicable

  • Support Services Fund Application Form
  • Survey responses to the following 
       -  Community Response Coaching Survey
       -  Transitional Services Survey


I hereby grant permission for the local Community Well-Being coordinator and/or necessary staff and the (CR/CYI agency or agencies) to share my information with Nebraska Children and their contracted evaluators including Munroe‐Meyer Institute, as part of the EVALUATION of this program that is funded in part by Nebraska Children. You are participating in a Community Response that is sponsored by CWCC which is a federally funded grant. This is to inform you that we will be asking you to complete surveys are part of the evaluation, which is being completed by Munroe‐Meyer Institute at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Information from this evaluation may help the program better support families in similar programs. Your name will not be included in any of the information that you provide us. All data collected will only be summarized as a group. No individual responses will be reported. If you have any questions about this research project, please call Dr. Amanda Prokasky at 402-552-6865. You are not required to share this information. If you decide not to have this information shared, it will not affect you or your standing in our program in any way. For evaluation reporting purposes, your information will always be combined and will not be identifiable at the individual family level.

Permission to share your information for evaluation:
Check if you agree


The following information will be shared with other provider partners in the community for SERVICE PROVISION

  • Your Name
  • Your contact information
  • Other relevant information on this

Participant Information Form that may help other agencies provide you services

I hereby grant permission for the local Community Well Being coordinator and/or necessary staff and the CR/CYI Agency or agencies to share my information with other partnering agencies to assist in PROVIDING ME OR MY FAMILY WITH SERVICES. I understand that if I do not mark this box, I will be responsible for reaching out to other partner organizations for further assistance on my own time.

Permission to share your information for service provision:
Check if you agree
Review and Submit