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Trade Programs with Sara Hansen

Wednesday, June 30, 2021
5:30 pm7:00 pm

o Introductions: Why are you Here (5 minutes)
o Overview of Turner and Choosing the Right Path– Power Point. (15 minutes)
o Leadership Activity, Participants will include adults/youth. This activity leads participants through
a communication exercise. It addresses the importance of good communication in the workplace.
(10 minutes)
o Unions verses Non-Union Employers. Would look to have a representative from both a Union
and Non-Union Company. Showcase the differences. (20 minutes)
o Resources: Of the three main ways to get into the Trades side of the building industry, Apprentice,
Post-secondary education and Work, how best to determine which is right for you? (20 minutes)
• Hardhat in Hand
• Metropolitan Community College
• Employer programs: NMC, Lozier, McArdle Grading
o Expert Panel: Q/A of different experts in various Trade occupations. (20 minutes)